Religião: uma breve visão em torno de Émile Durkheim, Karl Marx e Max Weber




Religião, visão religiosa, teóricos da sociologia


Understanding religion has always been a challenge within societies, possibly due to the way it is presented or approached and understood from various angles, such as in the scientific field, in the light of common sense, philosophy or even in the light of one's own religious vision. given the various ramifications that religion itself presents (various religions and various denominations). As a result of these various perceptions, through this article we want to present a brief approach to the concepts of religion developed by some classics of sociology such as Émile Durkheim, Karl Marx and Max Weber. With the aim of presenting what they defended, but also how the concepts they address can be operationalized today.


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How to Cite

Quinsequi, J. (2024). Religião: uma breve visão em torno de Émile Durkheim, Karl Marx e Max Weber. Academicus Magazine, 2(2), 22–28.