About the Journal
Academicus Magazine (ISSN / ISSN-L: 3005-3633) is an online double-blind peer-reviewed journal that makes its content (literature review articles, clinical case reports, experience reports and experimental research) available free of charge in Open Access format, with the aim of providing its target audience with greater global democratization of knowledge.
The journal encourages scientific production in all areas of knowledge in its most varied aspects in accordance with national and international standards aimed at various intellectual and educational activities.
The main thematic areas include: Social Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, Medicine and Health, Accounting and Management, Psychology, Education, History, Biology, Anthropology, Economics, Philosophy, Finance and others.
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Current Issue
Academicus Magazine (ISSN / ISSN-L: 3005-3633) is an independent and multidisciplinary Angolan Continuous Flow magazine published every six months. Publishes original and unpublished scientific articles freely and freely. Our objective is to promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge and contribute to academic development.